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IME Directory for Medical Expert Witnesses

Washington State WA IME Companies Directory of Independent Medical Examiners
& Medical Expert Witnesses

mugshot Wini Hamilton, DC, DIBCN, RN, IME
Washing State IME Chiropractor
Emerald City Chiropractic, P.S.
Seattle, WA 98103

(206) 784-4672 

  Chiropractor, Family Practice, Direct Patient Care, IME’s / ICE’s, Medical Record Reviews, Depositions.


mugshot Dr. Daniel A. Brzusek, DO, MSc
WA IME Physiatrist Pain Doctor
NW Rehabilitation Associates, Inc.
1600 116th NE, Suite 204
Bellevue Washington 98004

(425) 453-1000

IME Physiatrist doctor, pain medicine, complications of manipulation, disability, whiplash, low back pain, auto accident, on the job injuries, knee injuries, shoulder injuries, hip injuries.


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Washington State Independent Medical Exams (IME) and Impairment Rating Information
Independent medical exams (IMEs) evaluate and document a worker's condition.  These exams may also include impairment ratings.  A wide variety of doctors are approved to perform IMEs.

Marc Bodow, MD, CIME
Company: Marc Bodow, MD
Address: 6001 142nd PL SE
City: Bellevue
State: WA
Zip: 98006
Phone: 425-457-2760
Email: marc20100@aol.com
Specialties: Occupational Medicine

Name: Dennis Chong, MD, FRCPC
City:  Seattle
State: WA
Zip:  98122
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Swedish Medical Center

Norman F. Chang, MD
Address: PO Box 3809
City: Blaine
State: WA
Zip: 98231
Phone: 360-734-4300
Specialties: Occupational Medicine, Sports Medicine

Name: Bruce R. Christen, MD, MPH
Address: 1651 NE Bentley Dr.
City: Bremerton
State: WA
Zip: 98311
Specialties: Occupational Medicine
Years of Practice: 23
Number of Exams: 5
Sponsoring Institution:

Name: Kevin F. Connolly, MD
Address: 520 Lilly Road NE
City: Olympia
State: WA
Zip: 98506
Email:  kevinconnolly@earthlink.net
Specialties: Neurology, Electrodiagnostic Medicine, Internal Medicine
Years of Practice: 29
Number of Exams: 1000+
Sponsoring Institution:

Name: Justin Cooper, DO
Company: NW Center for Integrative Medicine
Address: 2702 S. 42nd St.
City: Tacoma
State: WA
Zip: 98409
Phone: 253-472-7844
Fax 253-472-8479
Email:  juscoo@hotmail.com
Specialties: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Sponsoring Institution: ABIME

Name: Paul S. Darby, MD
Company: Franciscan Occupational Health
Address: 1930 Port of Tacoma Rd.
City: Tacoma
State: WA
Zip: 98421
Email:  pauldarby@fhshealth.org
Specialties: Occupational & Environmental Med, ,
Years of Practice: 7
Number of Exams: 1100

Name: Guy H. Earle, MD
Company: DBA Medical Consulting Associates, Inc. PS
Address: 9226 Bayshore Dr. NW
City: Silverdale
State: WA
Zip: 98383
Email:  mca.guy@live.com
Specialties: Occupational Medicine, ,
Years of Practice: 29
Number of Exams: 3000+

Name: Jon F. Geffen, DO
Company: MultiCare Orthopedic and Spine
Address: 315 Martin Luther King, Jr., Highway
City: Tacoma
State: WA
Zip: 98405
Phone: 253-403-5200
Fax:  253-403-5201
Email:  geffenj@gmail.com
Specialties: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Pain Management; Interventional,
Sponsoring Institution: ABIME

Name: Stephen Hufman, MD
Company: Wenatchee Valley Medical Center
Address: 820 North Chelan Ave.
City: Wenatchee
State: WA
Zip: 98801
Email:  shufman@wvmedical.com
Specialties: Family Medicine
Years of Practice: 29
Number of Exams: 60
Sponsoring Institution: ABFM

Name: Barbara Jessen, MD
Address: 1847 S.W. Shoreview Ln.
City: Burien
State: WA
Zip: 98146-3068
Email:  barbara@jessen.md
Specialties: Neurology
Years of Practice: 50
Number of Exams: 20,000

Name: Bruce Kite, MD, BMSc
Company: Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital
Address: The Springs
Address2: 302 South 10th Ave.
City: Yakima
State: WA
Zip: 98902
Email: brucekite@yvmh.org
Specialties: Family Practice

Name: Roger H. Lai, MBBS
Company: 219 York Street
City: Subiaco
State: WA
Zip: 6008
Country Australia
Phone: +61 893818388
Email: roglai@ozemail.com.au

Name: Mark R. Leadbetter, MD
Address: 3233 Centralia Alpha Rd.
City: Onalaska
State: WA
Zip: 98570
Specialties: Orthopedic Surgery
Years of Practice: 24
Number of Exams: 2000
Sponsoring Institution:

Name: John J. Lipon, DO
Address: PO Box 5005
City: Bellevue
State: WA
Zip: 98009
Email: JLiponDO@aol.com
Specialties: Orthopedic Surgery
Years of Practice: 28
Number of Exams: 5000+
Sponsoring Institution:

Name: Chester S. McLaughlin, MD
Address: 161 Selah Naches Rd
City: Selah
State: WA
Zip: 98942
Email: ps.klopz@aol.com
Specialties: Orthopedic Surgery
Years of Practice: 45
Number of Exams: 17,500

Name: Alvin S. Nayan, MD
Address: 13030 Military Rd. S.
City: Seattle
State: WA
Zip: 98168
Email: anayan@comcast.net
Specialties: Occupational Medicine
Years of Practice: 11

Name: Thomas L. Renninger, DC, DABCO
Company: Thomas L. Renninger, DC, PC
Address: 1258 112th Avenue NE
City: Bellevue
State: WA
Zip: 98004
Email: thomas@renningerdc.com
Specialties: Chiropractic Physician, Chiropractic Orthopaedics
Years of Practice: 27
Number of Exams: 2,500

Name: James T. Ryan, DC
Company: Chiropractic Evaluations NW
Address: 19220 8th Ave.
City: Poulsbo
State: WA
Zip: 98370
Email: jtbar@msn.com
Specialties: Chiropractic Physician

Name: Mark I. Suffis, MD
Company: WestSound Orthopaedics
Address: 4409 NW Anderson Hill Rd.
City: Silverdale
State: WA
Zip: 98383
Phone: 360-698-6630
Fax 360-698-7002
Email: msuffis@westsoundortho.com
Specialties: Occupational and Environmental Medicine

Name: Brooke J. Thorner, MD
Address: 2910 E. Madison #209
City: Seattle
State: WA
Zip: 98112
Email: bt@brookethornermd.com
Specialties: Psychiatry
Years of Practice: 24
Number of Exams: 700
Sponsoring Institution:

Name: Timothy J. Ungs, MD, MS
Address: PO Box 2870
City: Pasco
State: WA
Zip: 99302-2870
Email: tjungs@comcast.net
Specialties: Occupational Medicine, Preventive Medicine, Aerospace Medicine
Years of Practice: 25
Number of Exams: 1000

Name: Michael B. Wilson, DC, CICE
Company: Wilson Chiropractic
Address: 1510 W. Yakima Ave.
City: Yakima
State: WA
Zip: 98902-2951
Email: Mwilsondc@aol.com
Specialties: Chiropractic Physician
Years of Practice: 31
Number of Exams: 3000

Name: Jean You, MD
Address: 6917 W. Grandridge Blvd.
City: Kennewick
State: WA
Zip: 99336
Phone: 509-627-2848
Email: jeanyou2000@yahoo.com
Specialties: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Pain Medicine, Electrodiagnostic Medicine
Sponsoring Institution: ABIME


Independent Medical Examiner IME Directory
1017 101st Ave NE, Bellevue WA 98004

(747) 777-6450

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